
Our Contribution to the SDGs

There’s a long and complex journey ahead. That’s why we will continue to ask bigger questions – of ourselves, our industry, and society at large. Because the bigger the questions we ask now, the bigger the actions we can take - together.

Prosper is asking bigger questions.

How can we all prosper?

To maximize our active contribution to the SDGs, we have selected those most aligned with our business model and determined specific measurable goals for our supply chain, direct operations and services. This way, we ensure progress tracking and transparency.

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    Goal 1

    End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

    We are working on the digitalization of vocational education for developing the skills of our community and helping to grow their skills and market value.

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    Goal 4

    Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

    We are developing educational materials for vocational education programmes, developing and supporting e-learning web and mobile platforms, providing courses and workshops for our community and producing video lessons. Review our CSR projects: Business rules, Prosper Animation School. In partnership with UNDP Azerbaijan and State Employment Agency: Bacar - eLearning platform

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    Goal 5

    Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

    We are part of the STEM4ALL Network organized by UNICEF & UNPD.In partnership with UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub and UNICEF, we developed a regional web-based platform STEM4ALL, visualized the data, created online quizzes, create the brand and animated promo videos for women and girls in the CIS region.

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    Goal 8

    Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

    We are developing Web-based Career Development Tools for resume building and job search which allow the local community to develop their resume with AI-based tools and find relevant vacancies.

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    Goal 8

    Reduce inequality within and among countries.

    We have transformed the traditional learning process into the virtual process through the development of corresponding e-learning materials and online web platforms, in order to strengthen the capacity of the unemployed jobseekers in the development of business plans and starting micro-businesses. With the help of our web-based platform unemployed or, job-seeking citizens can join to programme at any time, from anywhere and develop their skills and find a job. Besides, it helps to lift barriers for participation of people with disabilities and promotes active women participation.

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    Goal 8

    Provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

    By using the innovations and advances of information technology, we developed an application tracking system for automatization of the mediation process which became faster and saved significant costs and time for the parties in mediation proceedings. We also developed the corporate website for UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine.As part of our corporate social responsibilities, we have produced a series of short films about the Heroes of the Second World War.We supported UNHCR Azerbaijan in organizing the World Refugee Day event, production of photo and video materials, and support in media coverage to draw public attention.